"Son of Suffering"11/20/2021 Over the past year and half, I have virtually attended Passion City Church’s Sunday morning services and been richly blessed and encouraged by the worship and teaching each week. Over the last few weeks, they’ve been singing a new song called “Son of Suffering” that is a beautiful exultation of Jesus’ suffering and reminder of the great sacrifice that was made for our freedom. Now, I’d like to share this song with you.
Worship Set #13 - "It is Finished"4/8/2020 We are half way through Passion Week. It has been a different Easter season with so many things canceled and closed. However, if anything, we have more time and space to remember, ponder, and reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice. We are just two short days away from observing Good Friday and all that took place on that day over two thousand years ago. Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday, when different churches remember the Lord’s last supper with His disciples, the final instructions He gave them, and then His struggle in the garden of Gethsemane where He fully submitted His will to the Father’s.
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Whether you celebrate this holiday or not, it’s a good time to remember and rejoice in God’s amazing love for us. And today’s song feature helps us do just that.
Worship Set 10 - "Jesus Paid it All"1/22/2020 I love it when timeless hymns are given new life and vigor. Not that the original song was old-fashioned or out-dated, but sometimes a new bridge or chorus to a traditional hymn allows it to speak to a new generation in a fresh way. I feel like this is true for the hymn “Jesus Paid it All” with Passion Music’s new bridge added to it.
Worship Set 7 - "Forever"10/30/2019 We’ve spent a month glorifying Jesus. We’ve remembered and pondered the depth of His sacrifice and worshipped Him for who He is and what He’s done for us. Now, as we come to the end of October and the world around us prepares to celebrate the darkest day of the year, let us magnify Jesus and lift Him up over all else.
Worship Set 7 - "Jesus Messiah"10/16/2019 Typically, songs used during communion are reflective and slow. However, I occasionally like to use “Jesus Messiah” by Chris Tomlin which does not fit those characteristics. While this song is not a prayer, it is a declaration that beautifully walks us through the message of communion. Therefore, I feel that it is totally fitting for this part of the service.
Continuing on in our focus on the person of Jesus Christ, and the worship due Him, today’s song feature is one that the rest of my family actually heard before me. They were attending a church service in a different town than I was that particular Sunday, and this song was sung. It deeply touched them and they came home telling me about. However, it wasn’t until more recently that this song really resonated with me too.
As stated back in May on our Worship Set 2, during each month with five weeks I will share a song useful for communion. Now these songs are appropriate for anytime, because they magnify and glorify Jesus. But I feel that they are especially fitting for this part of the service: remembering Jesus’ extreme sacrifice.
Worship Set 3 - "Living Hope"6/12/2019 It truly feels like summer has arrived! The weather has turned warmer and the sun is shining brightly. It’s a season to celebrate and enjoy. And in the spirit of joy and celebration, let’s rejoice in our Savior and all that He’s done for us—the shining Son of God!
Worship Set 2 - "Lead Me to the Cross"5/22/2019 Communion. Jesus instituted this tradition and a way of remembering His sacrifice the night before He was arrested, and it has been observed by the Church for the last 2,000 years. At my church we take communion the first Sunday of every week, and as the elements are passed out we sing a song. Therefore, since May has five weeks in it, I decided to share one of the songs I use for communion.
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May 2022