"Glory, Honor, Power"9/8/2021 Worship is an integral part of who we are as created beings. We were made to worship. It’s woven into the fabric of our DNA. And we were created to worship our Creator. However, in the brokenness of sin we no longer automatically worship the One who gave us life and breath. Instead, we direct our worship towards other things and often forget God, the only One worthy of our praise. Therefore, today let’s focus our minds and hearts back to the One from whom are all things and in whom all things exist.
"Here and Now"6/30/2021 In Matthew 6, Jesus taught His disciples how to pray and gave us the Lord’s Prayer. One element of the prayer that I don’t think we pray enough is the second verse: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:11).
How often do we pray that God’s kingdom would come to earth? In my observation, it seems that we often pray the opposite. We ask God to bless our kingdoms, to preserve our nation, or prosper our country. While the Bible does tell us to pray for our leaders and nation, our number one prayer should be that God’s kingdom would be established on earth. We are citizens of an eternal kingdom; therefore, our first priority and greatest desire should be for God to build His kingdom. "Ever Almighty"11/11/2020 In light of the past week and the events that have transpired, God has put a song on my heart that I feel compelled to share. This whole year has been a unique one for our country. We’ve experienced pressure from every side: economic, social, racial, political, and spiritual. So many things have felt like they’re spinning out of control. However, our God is still in control and we need to remember that.
"Bless the One"10/28/2020 I hope you have been blessed and encouraged by our worship set on God’s power and namely Jesus’s victory over darkness. Truly, our Savior is high above all things, has conquered the enemy, and at His name the darkness must tremble and flee. Praise the Lord! To close out this set, I want to focus on a beautiful new song that was recently released. It is a simple, hymn-like song that covers the gospel message and gives us a powerful opportunity to respond to Jesus’s grace with a chorus of worship.
"The Lion and the Lamb"10/21/2020 Are you ready for some mid-week encouragement? Today’s song feature is an upbeat song of declaration. It proclaims the supremacy of Christ and the truth that our King is the King above all kings and at His Name all the kingdoms and powers of this world must bow. However, while Jesus is the Lion of Judah who reigns over all, He is also the Lamb of God who takes away our sins. He is both Ruler and Redeemer, Judge and Savior, Prince and humble Servant, the Lion and the Lamb.
"Tremble"10/14/2020 Happy Wednesday! I hope your week has been filled with God’s rich blessings so far. As I was thinking and praying about this month’s worship set, the song that first came to mind was today’s song feature. It is the song around which this month’s worship theme is built and is a declaration of faith and trust in the powerful name of Jesus. It declares God’s power over darkness and the fact that at the name of Jesus the enemy can be defeated.
"In the Name"10/7/2020 October is here and with it, shorter days and darker nights. It’s also that time of year during which the powers of darkness are celebrated. As I watch Halloween decorations appear and witness the chaos our world is in between COVID, natural disasters, racial discord, and political tension, I have been impressed with the need to declare God’s power over darkness.
While this is Satan’s temporary domain over which he exercises some control, Jesus broke Satan’s power and conquered the enemy. God is still on the throne and ultimately in control of all that transpires on planet earth. Therefore, this month as our country continues to get pulled apart by disunity and as evil is celebrated, let us, as God’s people, lift up a song of victory, a declaration of God’s power, and an anthem that tells the world and our own hearts that Jesus has defeated darkness and that celebrates the mighty, all-powerful name of the King of kings. "Truth I'm Standing On"9/30/2020 Today, we are going to conclude our worship set focusing on God’s faithfulness through the storms of life and the fact that even in the fire and life’s hardest moments, God is always with us. Over the last seven months, we have watched our nation spiral into chaos and division. The increased pressure caused by COVID-19 brought to light points of high tension across our country. Therefore, in the midst of all the unrest, tragedy, conflict, polarization, and loss, I believe that today’s song is especially appropriate for us to focus on and declare to ourselves, our families, and our communities.
"I Am Not Alone"9/23/2020 Do you feel alone?
One of the biggest lies Satan tries to get us to believe is that we’re all alone in life. Despair, depression, anxiety, and fear can come crashing into our lives if we believe this lie from the enemy, and he’d like nothing better than to ruin our day. Therefore, he whispers this deception into our souls and impresses it on our minds and heart, and all too often we start to believe the lies he’s feeding us. "Another in the Fire"9/16/2020 Over the last several years, it has felt like tragedy upon tragedy has hit mankind. Violence and natural disasters are yearly occurrences; now add COVID into the mix, and it’s been an extra difficult year. As a northern California resident, I am reminded daily of the trials people face as I look out onto a smoky world and watch ash swirl around in the air. Fires, floods, storms, tornados, pandemics, illness, financial loss, death. Life is difficult. Our world is mired with difficulty, and trials come on every side. However, we don’t have to navigate life’s hardships on our own, and today’s song is a great reminder that there is always someone beside us as we face the hardships in life.
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