Worship Set #14 - "King of Kings"5/13/2020 While many things may seem to be falling apart and on hold, the Church has been growing during this global pandemic in ways that haven’t been seen in years. While it may seem like the Church is closed since the buildings are mostly empty, God is working through His Church in mighty ways. As the people of God lean into the Spirit of God and shine brightly during this season, many are coming to the truth. The Lord is working and moving through His Church, and the gospel is spreading during this time of crisis. In light of all this, it is appropriate that our worship song for today focuses on the history and purpose of the Body of Christ.
Worship Set 6 - "Great Are You Lord"9/25/2019 As we close out this worship set focused on the power of God, I have one last song to share with you. It’s a simple song, but one packed with great truth and heartfelt praise and adoration to God. Originally written in 2013 by All Sons and Daughters, this song has been covered and sung by many.
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May 2022