When you find yourself growing weary with the cares of this world come here and find rest for your soul as you realign your focus and fix your eyes upon the One whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light. It is so easy to lose sight of God’s eternal perspective and get caught up in the mundane aspects of life, but in order to successfully win this life’s race we must keep our eyes completely fixed upon the Author and Perfecter of our faith. It is a battle which we all face daily. However, when we remain fixed upon our Creator, He reveals more of Himself to us and shows us great truths and insights through His WORD.
So that is what this website is…a place where the insights that my Father is showing me are written down so that others may be encouraged to look to their Anchor for guidance and spurred on in their walk with the Maker of the universe. It is my prayer that by walking with me in my spiritual journey you would be motivated to start and further your own, and that you would join me in daily resolving to fix our eyes on the unseen and eternal.
So that is what this website is…a place where the insights that my Father is showing me are written down so that others may be encouraged to look to their Anchor for guidance and spurred on in their walk with the Maker of the universe. It is my prayer that by walking with me in my spiritual journey you would be motivated to start and further your own, and that you would join me in daily resolving to fix our eyes on the unseen and eternal.