"Here and Now"6/30/2021 In Matthew 6, Jesus taught His disciples how to pray and gave us the Lord’s Prayer. One element of the prayer that I don’t think we pray enough is the second verse: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:11).
How often do we pray that God’s kingdom would come to earth? In my observation, it seems that we often pray the opposite. We ask God to bless our kingdoms, to preserve our nation, or prosper our country. While the Bible does tell us to pray for our leaders and nation, our number one prayer should be that God’s kingdom would be established on earth. We are citizens of an eternal kingdom; therefore, our first priority and greatest desire should be for God to build His kingdom.
Worship Set #13 - "The Blessing"4/29/2020 During this season of COVID-19, worship has been a big part of keeping believers united and focused on the main thing: Jesus Christ. From this extra focus on music, there has arisen several anthems for the Church. Songs that are resonating deeply in the hearts of people across the country and around the world. One such song is “Way Maker” which we covered at the beginning of this month. Now, I want to focus on another song that has become a coronavirus anthem during these days.
Worship Set #13 - "Lord Send Revival"4/22/2020 We’re living in unprecedented times. This phrase has been a buzz phrase over the past few months as the world tries to wrap its head around what is happening with COVID-19. We have never lived through something like this before. Governments have never enacted such broad, economically devastating policies before. The world as we know it has shifted like the earth’s tectonic plates. The novel coronavirus has rocked our world and the aftershocks will be felt for a while. The media even uses earthquake language as it conveys updates on what the national and global epicenters for COVID-19 are.
Worship Set 10 - "Follow You Anywhere"1/29/2020 As we come to the close of January and get used to the rhythm and routine of 2020, let’s not forget the excitement and anticipation we had at New Year’s. Let’s not forget the resolutions, dreams, and goals we made at the beginning of the year. And may we especially not forget the covenants and resolutions we made with God. So as we wrap up our New Year worship set, I have a special song I want to share with you that focuses on our devotion to the Lord.
Worship Set 10 - "Holy Ground"1/1/2020 Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020! I’m so excited what God has in store for this year and this new decade! We live during an exciting time when the stage is set for God to work in mighty ways. And the amazing thing is that we can be a part of what God is going to do. What an awesome God we serve!
Worship Set 2 - "More Like Jesus"5/29/2019 Worship songs come in all shapes and forms. Some are long, complex and tell a story. Others declare our faith and what we believe and contain bold statements. While still others are extremely simple in lyric and music yet convey deep emotion and a heartfelt prayer. The final song I’m going to share with you this month and that will complete our Worship Set 2 falls into the last category.
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May 2022