Worship Set 9 - "Arrival"12/25/2019 Merry Christmas! What a special day this is! Joy as children open up brightly colored packages, merriment as families gather together, and yummy food as people come together to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world. And on this special day, I have a special worship song to share.
Worship Set 9 - "His Name Shall Be"12/18/2019 Christmas is just around the corner! Have you been busy with parties, celebrations, and festive activities? I have! This is such a busy season! So much joy, so much excitement, so much celebration! But let’s not forget the Reason for the season.
Worship Set 9 - "Noel"12/11/2019 Christmas is such a special time of year! Lots of lights, parties, decorations, beauty, and celebration. But what’s it all for? Who are we celebrating? Jesus.
The focus is Jesus. The celebration is for His birth. The giving of gifts is in remembrance of the greatest Gift of all. But sometimes we lose sight of Him in Christmas. Sometimes the Christ Child gets lost in the busyness. Sometimes we forget the reason of the season. Advent is here! The long awaited Christmas season is upon us! A time for merriment, carols, and festivities. Therefore, let’s make our worship reflect this special season. Let’s celebrate Christmas by worshiping and adoring the King of Kings!
"Fullness of Grace"12/18/2017 This week’s song feature is a powerful meditation by Keith and Kristyn Getty. Though this is not a worship song in the sense that you’d want to sing it in a congregational setting, on a personal level, the melody and lyrics stir the heart to ponder and meditate on the great sacrifice of our Savior.
"He Shall Reign Forevermore"12/11/2017 We’re going to kick off this new series with my favorite Christmas worship song to date: “He Shall Reign” by Chris Tomlin.
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