What is Worship?8/19/2020 After a year and a half of worship posts, I believe it’s time to circle back and discuss the reason why we worship and, ultimately, what worship is. It is so easy to get caught up singing songs on Sunday or listening to music and lose sight of the reason why we do these things. Our brains are smart and can sing along with a song without having to be consciously involved. But in order for our songs to truly be worship, our hearts must be involved. It is not merely a singing exercise but an opportunity to praise and extol our Savior. Therefore, let’s re-examine what worship is and why we do it.
Preparing for Worship - Step 3 Continued2/28/2019 Last time on “Here I Am to Worship,” we talked about step three in preparing our hearts for worship. However, we never got to the worship leader’s step three. So let’s continue on with this third and final step in preparing our hearts for worship.
Worship Leader Step 3: bring people into the presence of God. As a worship leader, this is what it’s all about. It’s not about the music or how talented the band is; it’s about this most important job and responsibility. Preparing for Worship - Step 32/21/2019 Has your worship been revitalized? As you quiet your mind and focus on the Lord, has your spirit been refreshed from that special time with your Creator?
For me, worship has always been a place of refuge. A place where all the cares of this world fade away and there’s nothing left but Him—the great I AM. No matter what challenges I face in life, worship is where I run when I’m feeling overwhelmed, frazzled, and heavy-hearted. It’s where my spirit is refreshed and my joy renewed. Preparing for Worship - Step 21/31/2019 How is de-cluttering your mind before worship going? Have you been able to successfully quiet your mind and heart before the Lord? Or as a worship leader, have you been able to create an effective call to worship? If you have, then you will already be set for step two in preparing our hearts for worship.
Before we can enter into the holy place of worship, we must prepare our hearts. Worship isn’t like attending a meeting where all you have to do is show up. On the contrary, true worship requires preparation on both the part of the worship leader and the worshipers.
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