Worship Set 7 - "Forever"10/30/2019 We’ve spent a month glorifying Jesus. We’ve remembered and pondered the depth of His sacrifice and worshipped Him for who He is and what He’s done for us. Now, as we come to the end of October and the world around us prepares to celebrate the darkest day of the year, let us magnify Jesus and lift Him up over all else.
Worship Set 7 - "Christ is Risen"10/23/2019 This past summer, my family and I had the opportunity to spend several weekends away on vacation in a different area from which we live. During that time, we attended a church we all love and enjoyed times of great worship and teaching. Over the several weekends we were there, the worship team led a song each service that really stuck with me. It resonated in my mind and heart so much, that when I got home I quickly looked up the song and learned it. Since then, I’ve been introducing it to my church and now I want to share it with you.
Worship Set 7 - "Jesus Messiah"10/16/2019 Typically, songs used during communion are reflective and slow. However, I occasionally like to use “Jesus Messiah” by Chris Tomlin which does not fit those characteristics. While this song is not a prayer, it is a declaration that beautifully walks us through the message of communion. Therefore, I feel that it is totally fitting for this part of the service.
Continuing on in our focus on the person of Jesus Christ, and the worship due Him, today’s song feature is one that the rest of my family actually heard before me. They were attending a church service in a different town than I was that particular Sunday, and this song was sung. It deeply touched them and they came home telling me about. However, it wasn’t until more recently that this song really resonated with me too.
Worship Set 7 - "Jesus"10/2/2019 Welcome to a new month and new worship set! Over the last two months, we’ve enjoyed focused worship celebrating God’s faithfulness and His power. This month, God has really laid upon my heart anew the person and sacrifice of Jesus. Who Jesus is and what He did for us is amazing, slightly unfathomable, and completely worship-inducing. As we center our minds and remember Jesus’ sacrifice, our hearts should fill with awe, wonder, and heartfelt praise.
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May 2022