A Nationwide Meltdown7/12/2017 Have you seen the toddler who breaks down in full out sobs, cries, and screaming? Maybe you’ve seen it while providing childcare or babysitting or while shopping in the grocery store. No matter where it happens or what the cause, we generally call these irrational fits of rage meltdowns. Although toddlers and children are the age category we generally associate these vivid displays of displeasure, adults can have them too.
We just are not so obvious or public about them. We generally keep our meltdowns between us and God or any other individual that may be involved, but we rarely do it in public. We prefer to keep up the appearance of calm and easy-going behavior and leave our bitter anger for the person(s) we felt offended us. Can you relate? Don’t worry! You’re not the only adult, young adult, or teenager who’s experienced a meltdown. Israel had one too. A big one. And one against God. So it was no small matter!
Pride: A Subtle Enemy7/8/2017 All of Israel’s sin and problems can be boiled down and pinned to one character flaw: pride. It is a root of all kinds of evil. From it grows and branches off every sin imaginable under heaven. It is what caused the first woman to be tempted by the serpent, what prompted Lucifer’s rebellion and subsequent fall from heaven, and what continues to keep broken and sinful people away from the loving, gracious God.
God Sees and God Remembers7/5/2017 God is omniscient. He sees and knows everything. Nothing is hidden from His penetrating eye and His memory is infallible. Though heaven and earth will pass away, He does and will not forget. Therefore, God’s omniscience is kind of scary to contemplate. The fact that God sees both our good deeds and bad and will remember them through eternity is a sobering thought, and one that most people refuse to entertain.