The LORD My Husband5/6/2017 This chapter opened with the declaration “I am not her husband.” However, after the LORD drew Israel into the wilderness and spoke to her heart, she responded. She returned to the devotion of her youth and again recognized the LORD for who He is.
After this epiphany, the LORD gave Himself a new name.
God Never Gives Up5/3/2017 Our God is a God of second chances, third chances, fourth chances, fifth chances, and more. He doesn’t give up on those He loves, but extends grace and offers them another chance to do things right. Even in the midst of holy anger, God was preparing to win back Israel’s heart and affection.
Continued from Wednesday’s post… “And she did not know that it was I who gave her the grain, the wine, and the oil, and who lavished on her silver and gold, which they used for Baal.”
Not only did Israel chase after false gods and lovers that were unable to satisfy, she also pursued the things that she thought they had given: food, jewelry, substances, and protection. But the truth was that God had given her these things. Even in her waywardness and disobedience, He was the Giver of all good things, the Provider of all her needs, and the One who protected her from harm. Nevertheless, Israel refused to acknowledge her God and attributed these blessings instead to her false, evil, and pagan gods. When misplaced and pursued with the wrong motives, love is foolish, fleeting, and unsatisfying. Gomer learned this hard lesson when she decided to leave her husband and children and return to her former profession—a life of prostitution. Israel also discovered the consequences of misguided love as God’s holy anger rained down upon them for their adulterous love for the false god, Baal.