Who Will Be at Your Memorial?*3/28/2017 So why this mini-series? To you, it may seem like a random, sober topic to bring up without much notice or apparent occasion. Well, God has surrounded me with the loss and passing of individuals both in my family and in the family of people I know. So while it may seem random and out of place for you, the topic of life’s brevity has been brought to my attention and claimed center stage in my reflections and ponderings as of late. It all started at a memorial service I recently attended. The woman whose life was being celebrated and remembered came to its conclusion sooner than most would expect. But it wasn’t the life cut seemingly too short that struck me, but the stories and testimonies people were sharing. She was a believer in the risen Lord; however, few mentioned or noted her faith and living hope. All memories, influence, and lessons shared were centered around her love for family and deep care for other people. Her whole life was summed up in the well-known adage, “It’s not the years in a life, but the life in those years” and that she lived those years well. While these are commendable and honorable qualities, I was saddened by the lack of kingdom work and labor for the Lord mentioned. But then I was immediately sobered by this dawning thought and realization… Who will be at my memorial service, and what will they say? Will people remember me for my love, loyalty, and friendliness? Or will they remember how devoted and passionate I was to God? Will my legacy be that of a life well lived or a life lived for God? It wasn’t with morbidity or aghast that these thoughts sprung into my mind, but rather with a sense of self-examination of my life’s purpose. When the day comes, I don’t want people to walk up to the microphone and wax eloquent on my personality traits, character qualities, or even heroic and great deeds. I want people to remember and be impacted by my love for the Lord, and the life that was lived in light of that amazing love. I want people to remember my care and concern for their eternal destination and spiritual well-being and not just how their week went. I don’t want people to remember my steadfast love, but that through me they saw the love of the Savior. It’s not my friendliness towards the loner that I want raised up, but God’s heart of love, acceptance, and welcome towards the outcast. It’s not the years of my life or life in those years I want future generations to remember, but the One for whom my life was lived. This is the life I want to be remembered for living, and this is the legacy I want to leave. So now is the time for me to start living that life. With purpose. With direction. With urgency. *Read the rest here at TheRebelution.com.
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