The Beginning of a New Chapter1/1/2018 The Year of our Lord 2017 is now officially over. The New Year has begun. And while nothing feels different—the air is still chilly and life is still the same—it is the beginning of a new chapter in life. But before we look forward, let’s take a moment and look back over the past year. What hopes, dreams, plans, and visions did you see fulfilled this past year? In what areas have you grown and matured? How has God moved in and through your life? In what times and situations did you see His faithfulness at work? Remembering the goodness and mercies of God over the past year is always an important first step in beginning the new one. But let’s also look at and review life circumstances, events, and experiences over the past year. Did you enjoy any special times with family and/or friends? What are some of your favorite memories from the past year? My life has gone through a whirlwind of change this past year. Between the loss of a grandmother early on in the year, the beginning of a new job, restoration of health, and the new adventure of driving, it’s been a year full of change, new experiences, and life lessons. However, God has been good through all of it, and I look forward to what the New Year brings, which brings us to our next point of reflections: plans for the New Year. Do you have any plans for 2018? What are some goals/dreams you have in mind for this New Year? Like anyone, I have plans and projects ready to roll out for the New Year which I’m excited for and anxious to get started on. Can you relate? However, in the midst of our New Year planning we must leave room for God’s plan. Many times our plans do not align exactly with what God has in mind, and we must leave room for flexibility and change in direction when God comes in and “interrupts” our plans. So as we enter the New Year, make plans, dream big dreams, start projects, and get excited about visions and goals for 2018, let us at the same time be open to the Holy Spirit’s leading and be flexible in our planning so as to leave room for God and His big plans and purposes for our life in this New Year. I can’t wait to see what He has in store for you in 2018 as well as for me. I’m sure it will be above and beyond all that we could think of or imagine! In the meantime, let us not forget our most important mission for the New Year, which is to grow in Christ and in our relationship with Him. Therefore, let us remember Peter’s exhortation and grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God this New Year. “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”
~II Peter 3:18
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