O Worship the Savior!12/5/2017 Thanksgiving is over. The Christmas tree is coming out of storage and the house is being transformed into a Christmas wonderland. Lights are twinkling, Christmas music is playing, and the festive activities of the season are just beginning. But as we get ready for Christmas and the days leading up to it, God has brought to my attention a central theme to the season: Christmas is about worship. Mary worshipped the Father after she heard the good news that she was to carry the Messiah. The wise men traveled many miles to worship the Savior. Angels descended from heaven and gave the shepherds a privileged glimpse at a heavenly chorus as they worshipped God that starry night. The shepherds then ran to the stable and worshipped the newborn babe. Worship is sprinkled all throughout the Christmas story, men and angels glorifying God with wonder and awe. So what about us? Are our hearts filled with the wonder and awe of Christmas? Are we ready to join the heavenly chorus this Christmas and worship the Savior? Will we let a simple shepherd outdo us in giving praise and glory to God? Christmas is a season of worship, but God deserves our praise throughout the year. The divine choir that sang praises to God in the skies above Bethlehem didn’t stop singing just because they didn’t have an audience. No, they had been praising God before Christ was born and are still up there singing their songs of worship. Why? Because God delights in worship. He is surrounded with reverent praise. As the Apostle John noted, there are four living creatures that surrounded the throne and never cease to say, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!” (Revelation 4:8b) But even though God is constantly surrounded with the praise of His creation, He still desires and hungers for our worship—songs of praise and adoration from you and me. So let’s make sure to worship our Creator and Savior not just at Christmas time but all throughout the year. I know that it can be difficult to continually remain in an attitude of worship and adoration when the world has so much to distract us with. So to help us all out, I’m launching a new section of the blog called Here I Am to Worship that will be dedicated to reigniting our hearts for true, heart-abandoned worship. Stay tuned and check out the first post next Monday! In the meantime, what are some of your favorite Christmas worship songs? Note to Email Subscribers: If you’re already subscribed to the Into His Image section of the blog then you will automatically be added to the email list for this new section. If you would like to NOT receive emails from this new section of the blog, you can update your preferences once the first post goes out next week. For those not subscribed to Into His Image, you can update your email preferences or subscribe to this new section after the first post on Monday. Hope this makes sense! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the contact page.
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