Be Still and Know that I AM God9/1/2015 “Then the LORD said to Abram, ‘Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years. But I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve, and afterward they shall come out with great possessions.’” ~Genesis 15:13-14 While God was making His covenant with Abraham, He told Abraham that his descendants, the Israelites, would be sojourners in a foreign land and that they would be afflicted for four hundred years. Now this is not something I would want God to tell me, would you?! But as always there’s a promise, and it is in the fact that although God allowed the Israelites to suffer He vowed to bring judgment on their oppressors and lead them out with great possessions. Likewise, our loving Father allows trials in our lives that come from Satan, but are filtered through His loving fingers. And He promises us, just like He assured Israel of old, that in the end (not in our timing but His!) He will bring judgment on our adversary and bring us out with great possessions! So as I look at the hardships and trials of others, I am reminded of how much God has blessed me with and what great love He has for me and although I may not understand the “why’s” I am confident in God’s sovereignty. I believe in the SUN even when it is not shining I believe in LOVE even when I don’t feel it I believe in GOD even when He is silent. ~Anonymous Just because God seems to be distant or quiet does not lessen the fact that He’s not with us, because He is. No matter how we feel or what we think, God is in control and even when we don’t see His hand in the situation or hear Him speak, His is still walking with us. We just need to be STILL and KNOW that He is God!Just because God seems to be distant or quiet does not lessen the fact that He’s not with us, because He is. No matter how we feel or what we think, God is in control and even when we don’t see His hand in the situation or hear Him speak, His is still walking with us. We just need to be STILL and KNOW that He is God! “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!” ~Psalms 46:10
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