Power. Five little letters that when put together have dominated and punctuated history. The thirst and quest for it has caused nations to rise and fall, wars to be waged, lives lost, relationships destroyed, and mankind to first sin.
From the Garden of Eden, Tower of Babel, empires of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome to the more modern nations of Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Japan, and the United States to name a few, the pursuance of power, expansion of power, change of power, and fall from power have been the driving forces behind the events and decisions made over the centuries. It has dictated the beginning and ending of eras and chapters in history. In short, our world is obsessed with power, individuals are willing to give up and compromise everything for the sake of it, and the thirst for it is the driving focus of most people and world leaders.
Also on the rise in our culture is an interest and fascination with supernatural power. However, despite what science fiction may invent or power-hungry individuals may crave, there is only One who possesses power. God alone is OMNIPOTENT. He is the One to whom all power belongs, and no one can take it from Him or give it to Him. As David the psalmist and most famous king of Israel wrote:
Also on the rise in our culture is an interest and fascination with supernatural power. However, despite what science fiction may invent or power-hungry individuals may crave, there is only One who possesses power. God alone is OMNIPOTENT. He is the One to whom all power belongs, and no one can take it from Him or give it to Him. As David the psalmist and most famous king of Israel wrote:
“Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.”
~II Chronicles 29:11-12
“Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God.”
~Psalm 62:11
~II Chronicles 29:11-12
“Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God.”
~Psalm 62:11
God not only brought the entire universe into existence in six literal days, but He is also bringing new life into being each and every day from the spring crocus that bravely faces a semi-frozen world to the baby conceived just yesterday. And He holds all that He has made together, sustaining them and keeping them from falling apart. He’s the one around whom all things revolve, and is the invisible power behind the universe.
Science cannot figure out what holds an atom together and keeps it from exploding, according to Coulomb’s Law everything should have exploded centuries ago. Yet here we are. Why? What holds these volatile like particles together from becoming a ticking atomic bomb in each and every substance?
Astronomers know that the stars and galaxies are spreading apart in space and becoming more distant from one another. But what keeps them from colliding? What causes the stretching out of the universe?
While science cannot figure out the answers to these questions that are beyond logic, reasoning, and understanding, we know. We know that in Christ, God holds the universe together. He is the invisible force binding the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom. His is the unseen hand that’s stretching out the stars as a curtain. Not only is He the Mastermind behind the design of creation, but God also continues to sustain and hold everything together. There is nothing more powerful than that!
So will you humbly bow your knee before the most powerful One in history—past, present, and future? Will you see the world’s thirst for power and subsequent battle for it as mere child’s play, and instead acknowledge the omnipotent God?
In a world that lifts up the powerful and idolizes the influential, may we always remember that we serve the One to whom all creation owes its very existence. So let us join the psalmist David in proclaiming:
Science cannot figure out what holds an atom together and keeps it from exploding, according to Coulomb’s Law everything should have exploded centuries ago. Yet here we are. Why? What holds these volatile like particles together from becoming a ticking atomic bomb in each and every substance?
Astronomers know that the stars and galaxies are spreading apart in space and becoming more distant from one another. But what keeps them from colliding? What causes the stretching out of the universe?
While science cannot figure out the answers to these questions that are beyond logic, reasoning, and understanding, we know. We know that in Christ, God holds the universe together. He is the invisible force binding the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom. His is the unseen hand that’s stretching out the stars as a curtain. Not only is He the Mastermind behind the design of creation, but God also continues to sustain and hold everything together. There is nothing more powerful than that!
So will you humbly bow your knee before the most powerful One in history—past, present, and future? Will you see the world’s thirst for power and subsequent battle for it as mere child’s play, and instead acknowledge the omnipotent God?
In a world that lifts up the powerful and idolizes the influential, may we always remember that we serve the One to whom all creation owes its very existence. So let us join the psalmist David in proclaiming:
“Ascribe power to God, whose majesty is over Israel, and whose power is in the skies.”
~Psalm 68:34
~Psalm 68:34