To Receive or Reject11/9/2015 In John 12, Jesus was wrapping up His ministry because, as we studied last week, His hour had come in which to truly glorify the Father. His words, as recorded in verse forty-eighty, were part of a final appeal to the Jewish populous. Jesus knew that He was heading toward the cross, and therefore, was making one last effort to make people understand who He was and why He had come. But the question is, do we understand? Like the Jews of early A.D., we have walked with Jesus throughout His ministry, as we’ve studied the gospel of John. We’ve watched as Jesus turned water into wine, healed the sick, fed the thousands, made the blind see, and declared that He is the I AM. Therefore, Jesus’ words in John 12:48 apply to us also. Have we received or rejected Christ’s words? Or as literally translated from the Greek, have we taken hold of the teachings and signs Jesus performed or have we disesteemed or brought to naught the things that He said and did while on earth?
Father, Glorify Your Name!11/2/2015 Is your soul weary or troubled? Are you in the midst of or approaching a difficult journey and don’t know how to go on? Does your heart want to cry “Save me from this trial!”? Well, I have encouraging news for you, you are not alone! Our Savior, Jesus Christ the perfect Son of God, also faced heartache and unrest on the journey to the cross. In John chapter twelve, we get a glimpse of His inner turmoil and how He managed to continue on the road placed before Him. So let’s study and learn from our Lord’s perfect example.