The Cheerful Giver5/12/2018 Giving. Tithing. Money. Finances. All these are sensitive topics and can ruffle quite a few feathers and rattle people’s consciences. Many people have opinions on these subjects and share them freely, while others don’t want to be told how to manage their money or how and where they should give. No matter what our stance is on these various points, we must always look at what God’s heart and desire is in these matters. We must seek out how God wants us to handle our finances, abundance, and generosity and not let people and the world dictate how we manage these areas. So as we continue our study in II Corinthians, we find that Paul lingers on the topic of giving and how the Corinthians—and therefore, we—should approach it. Let’s see what the Spirit-filled Apostle has to say: “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” ~II Corinthians 9:7 Who does God love? A cheerful giver. We want to please God and do things that He loves, so let’s look at the characteristics and traits of a cheerful giver.
This gives us a lot to think and ponder on. These are all characteristics of a cheerful giver, and as Paul tells us, God loves the cheerful giver. So the question for us is…are we cheerful givers? Do we give with joy? Are we generous with our giving? Do we make our contribution in private for the benefit of God’s eyes only? Are we giving because we understand how much God has given us or are we giving out of duty, obligation, and expectation? What are our motives for giving? Are we truly cheerful givers? As we examine ourselves and let God’s Spirit open our eyes to hidden motives or reasons for giving, may we become more and more like the cheerful giver whom God loves.
Kristin RenferView the About page for more info on the author. Receive Posts via EmailArchives
July 2018