The Promises of God5/30/2020 The saga of the golden calf ends on a tragic note as the LORD sent a plague upon the people because of their sin. However, Exodus 33 opens with a beautiful reminder that even though the Israelites had failed, God is faithful to keep His promises and that His word remains true. Therefore, even though the Israelites experienced moral failure at the base of Mount Sinai, it was time to move on and march forward into the Promised Land under the blessing of God.
4 Lessons from the "What Is It?!" - Part II11/16/2019 Manna: God’s divine provision for the Israelites during their wilderness wanderings. We’ve already seen that through this miracle God shows us two points: 1) He will always provide, and 2) He wants us to trust and believe His Word. Let’s now look at the other two points we can glean from the miracle of manna.
4 Lessons from the "What Is It?!"10/26/2019 What is it?! That’s what the Israelites called the flaky whiteness that appeared on the barren ground of the wilderness. In a land that was devoid of nutrients and substance, this divine provision was life-saving to the Israelites and nothing short of a miracle. Yet in the midst of their grumbling and complaining attitude, all the Israelites could say is “What is it?!”
The LORD Our Healer10/19/2019 The Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry ground. They were delivered after 430 years of slavery. They were headed to the Promised Land. They saw firsthand the mighty acts of God and followed His cloud and fire each day and night. Naturally, their first reaction after crossing the Red Sea was worship.
They worshipped with Moses and then Miriam picked up the tambourine and led the people in more singing and praising of God. However, this didn’t last too long. As will become the typical reaction for this ungrateful people, the moment things got tough the Israelites forgot all the things God had done. They whined and complained and blamed Moses and God for their troubles. Look at what happens immediately after the Israelites walk away from the shores of the Red Sea. Waves, Wind, and Dry Ground9/14/2019 The book of Exodus is full of miracle after miracle. Between the Ten Plagues of Egypt and what God did during the Israelites wilderness wanderings, it can be easy to become accustomed to the amazing things God did. However, we should never let the miraculous become ordinary; never allow the amazing to become commonplace. God performed these signs and wonders for a reason—to show that He is God. Therefore, let’s not forget or lose sight of the awesomeness of our great God!
God Orders the Way9/7/2019 Do you ever feel like the direction of your life is a bit roundabout? Like the journey you’re on is a bit meandering and not going in the direction you feel God is calling you? Take heart, God orders our way and leads us even when it feels like we’re going in circles. He knows the best way and sometimes it might not be the most direct route.
Have you ever felt woefully unprepared for a task? Maybe you felt under-qualified. Or maybe after getting into your project you felt like you got in way over your head. No matter what the situation or circumstances might be, I’m sure we’ve all had a moment or two like that—a moment of panic and feeling completely out of our element.
But don’t worry; even the mighty heroes of the faith had moments like these. In fact, Moses—the mighty and fearless deliver of Israel—felt unprepared for the task God gave him. He actually made several attempts to excuse himself from his calling. So let’s take a look at what happened and see what lessons we can glean from Moses’ attempt at by-passing his God-given mission. God Never Forgets4/20/2019 Have you ever been in a seemingly hopeless situation? Have you felt abandoned by those you cared about most? Have you felt like God had forgotten you?
Life is hard. Sometimes we go through situations or circumstances that seem insurmountable. In these times, God can feel distant or even non-existent. However, the truth of the matter is that God is still there, right by our side. He never forgets us nor does He leave us. Sometimes, we are just oblivious to His presence. The Ingenuity of One Mother3/20/2019 The king’s command was to toss all Hebrew male babies into the Nile. No one was exempt from this decree. While the Israelites would not voluntarily kill their sons by drowning, their Egyptians neighbors would report them and get the job done. So what were the Hebrew women to do except mourn their loss?
But there was one woman who thought outside the box. She not only obeyed Pharaoh’s command but also preserved her son’s life. That woman was Moses’ birth mom, and this is her story. |
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August 2020