She Wears White8/21/2017 I’ve gone to several weddings this summer. And each time as I watch the beautifully arrayed bride walk down the aisle to her groom, my mind is pushed forward the day when we, as Christ’s Bride, will walk down the aisle of heaven to meet our glorious Bridegroom. What a day that will be! One of the most notable features of a bride is her splendid wedding gown. Snow white and elegant, the wedding dress is a picture of the bride’s purity and fidelity. It is and will be the most beautiful dress the bride possesses and is only worn for that one special day. Many brides search high and low for the perfect dress and finding it becomes one of the highest priorities leading up to the wedding. However, in our case we are unworthy of such a gown, let alone the Groom we will be meeting at the end of the aisle. Our spiritual lives were once lived out on the streets and mire. We were mere slaves to our master of sin and coated with the filth and muck that lifestyle brought with it. Yet Christ came and ransomed us, He invited us to His home, and wooed our hearts. He asked us to be His Bride despite our past, despite our unclean condition, despite what we once were. This in itself is a miracle! But now as we prepare for that glorious wedding day, what have we to wear for this special occasion? We will be meeting the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Victor over death, and only Son of God at the end of that heavenly aisle! What would we—former slaves and peasants—have to wear that would be fitting to meet our heavenly Bridegroom? We don’t own anything beautiful or clean—in fact all that we have are filthy rags. So what will we wear for this special, once-in-a-lifetime experience? The answer is found in Revelation 19:7-8a: “Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure.” ~Revelation 19:7-8a Jesus gave us our wedding gown! We did not find it, own it, or make it on our own, but Jesus granted it to us. And not only did He give us fine linen, bright and pure, but He also enabled us to wear these garments of purity. He washed us and cleansed us by His blood so that our former state of filth and muck would not hinder us from wearing white—bridal white for purity, sanctification, and righteousness. Christ not only lavished His love upon us by choosing us though we were unworthy, but He also made us worthy and able to share in His glory. This is a difficult concept and truth to adequately convey, but Casting Crowns so powerfully and eloquently summarizes it in the last line of the second verse of their song “Wedding Day”: “She wears white, head to toe, but only He could make it so.” There’s not much more that can be added to this poignant fact, so I won’t attempt to. But it speaks volumes about Christ’s love for us and all that He’s done that we are undeserving of. So in closing, as we continue to explore the significance of being Christ’s Bride, I pray that you will be humbled and amazed at Christ’s love and care for us—that though it was once impossible, we will wear white on our wedding day and be spotless and pure. And may the rest of the song “Wedding Day” turn your heart towards your Groom and ready your spirit for that blessed occasion when we will meet Him at the end of the aisle of heaven and join Him for eternity. What a glorious day that will be! "Wedding Day"
by Casting Crowns There’s a stirring in the throne room And all creation holds it’s breath Waiting now to see the bride groom Wondering how the bride will dress And she wears white And she knows that she’s undeserving She bears the shame of history But this worn and weary maiden Is not the bride that he sees And she wears white, head to toe But only he could make it so She has danced in golden castles And she has crawled through beggar’s dust But today she stands before him And she wears his righteousness And she will be who he adores This is what he made her for When someone dries your tears When someone wins your heart And says your beautiful When you don’t know you are And all you’ve longed to see Is written on his face When love has come and finally set you free On that wedding day On that wedding day When the hand that bears the only scars And heaven touch her face And the last tears she’ll ever cry Are finally wiped away And the clouds roll back as he takes her hand And walks her through the gates Forever we will reign
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