Holy Spirit: Our Divine Engagement Ring9/21/2020 Author’s Note: I know that it’s been a couple years since I’ve posted on this series, but I have not forgotten the different topics and symbolism I planned on covering here. In fact, I’ve been to several weddings over the past couple years and watched my friends experience the joy of true love, which has rekindled the passionate realization that we all have a heavenly Bridegroom and are living in a divine romance. Therefore, I hope you enjoy this long overdue post and are encouraged to live fully content in the unconditional, amazing love Jesus has for you. It’s gold; it’s shiny. It sparkles in the sunlight and is beautiful to behold. Containing precious stones and real gold, this object can cost a small fortune and is a token of love, commitment, and promise. Can you guess what I’m talking about?
The engagement ring is probably the most fantasized object in the bride’s wardrobe, with the wedding dress being a close second. Girls and ladies ooh and awe over it, and the groom proudly displays it for all to see. Traditionally a band of gold with sparkling diamonds on top, this small object has become a status symbol. A statement that she’s taken. A reminder that he loves me. A declaration that she said “Yes!” And a promise of commitment for the rest of life.
She Wears White8/21/2017 I’ve gone to several weddings this summer. And each time as I watch the beautifully arrayed bride walk down the aisle to her groom, my mind is pushed forward the day when we, as Christ’s Bride, will walk down the aisle of heaven to meet our glorious Bridegroom. What a day that will be!
Who He Is3/30/2017 We’ve talked about the Bride, who she is and her former condition, but what about the Groom? Who is He? What has He done to woo the Bride? Where is He now? These are the questions that we shall begin to uncover, and today we shall start uncovering the identity of our heavenly Bridegroom.
A Lengthy Silence2/9/2017 Dear Sister and Faithful Reader,
I apologize for the long silence and lengthy period of inactivity on this topic. Since launching this project, life happened and I lost much of my enthusiasm. However, I am now ready to dive back into exploring this wonderful concept of being engaged to a heavenly Bridegroom. Her Condition ~ Part 21/13/2017 It’s been a while since we’ve visited and discussed this topic. However, I hope that since the last post, you’ve been able to ponder and consider the question: How would you describe the bride’s background and former condition? If not, please review our last post here.
So to recap, we’ve been using an allegory to learn and gain insight into our relationship with Christ as our Groom and we as His Bride. We’ve seen that the Bride is arrayed in bridal splendor with a beaming countenance and joy in her eyes. However, this was not her former condition. Her Condition ~ Part 110/31/2016 Do you remember our allegory from last time? Well, just in case you don’t, I’ve included it below. We’ll be going back to this allegory throughout the series, so for future reference, please note that it will be available on the Outline page.
The Bride ~ Who She Is10/16/2016 Picture yourself in a park—walking along the pathways and enjoying the beautiful gardens and fall colors. Then, as you’re going about and minding your own business, the most beautifully dressed, beaming bride walks quickly past you. As you watch her travel down the path, you can’t get over how joyful, excited, and simply radiant the young woman dressed in white looked nor can you forget the distant gleam in her eye. Also, you remember noticing the huge diamond ring shimmering on her finger, and you can’t help wondering who the groom is and what he must be like in order to ignite so much wonder, excitement, and distraction. Based on the size and beauty of the engagement ring, you guess that the groom must be rather wealthy. So you wonder, who is this bride and what is her story that she—a girl obviously engaged to a very affluent man and decked out in all her bridal finery—would be walking in your humble city park?
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